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Compare Bong smoking vs Cigarette Smoking

Posted on by Mark Chen

Most People smokes Cigarette, Cigar or Water pipe, but are they  the same ? which is more harmful ,Cigarette smoking is a leading cause of cancer and cancer-related mortality around the world, and it is also one of the most preventable diseases, giving rise to early deaths.One of the most popular kinds of leisure drug usage is smoking. The most common form of tobacco use is cigarette smoking, which is used by over one billion people across the world, the majority of whom live in poor nations.

Whereas, a bong, often called a water pipe, is a screening device that is commonly used to smoke marijuana, nicotine, or other organic compounds. By incorporating a bowl and stem system that conducts air downside to reach the water level that is below where it during its usage rise in upward direction, a bong can be made out of any air bubble and water-tight container.

A hole in the base of the bong just above the water level is disguised throughout the smoking process and then exposed to permit the smoke to be incorporated into the air passage ways, allowing fresh air into the bong and collecting the final leftover smoke.The bowl and/or the stem are withdrawn from bongs without such a perforation to enable air to pass through the hole that retains the stem.

Health Issues related to Smoking

Water pipe smoking, such as bong smoking, has a huge impact on lung capacity and respiratory ailments, similar to the health effects of cigarette smoking.Researchers who compared the health consequences of bong smoking and cigarettes came to the conclusion that they both bear approximately the same chances of dying young from a variety of diseases associated to tobacco use, including:

  • Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a condition that cause death
  • Ischaemic heart disease is a type of heart disease in which the blood vessels in the heart narrow down
  • Lung cancer is a type of cancer that affects the respiratory functions
  • Stroke
  • Various additional cancers linked to smoking

Smoking through a bong, according to water pipe users and even experts, screens out the poisonous particles of tobacco, rendering it less dangerous than smoking cigarettes. Because most bong smokers do not inhale, you might believe the health consequences are minor. While there isn't much scientific evidence on the health impacts of bong smoking, we do understand that it is dangerous.

Bong smoking is linked to a variety of ailments that are common among cigar and cigarette smokers. Water pipe users, for example, have a higher risk of oral cancers, such as cancers of the tongue, larynx, and throat. Inhaling bong smoke increases the risk of respiratory, pancreatic, and thyroid cancer in smokers.


Smoking and Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is twice as common among smokers as it is in non - smokers. Cigars and bongs are hazardous not only to the people smoking them. They also emit second - hand tobacco, which contains harmful substances including as carbon monoxide and carcinogens. A bong smoker wrapper is less absorbent than a cigarette wrapper, therefore it doesn't flame as well. This raises the number of cancer-causing compounds released into the atmosphere, such as ammonia, tar, and carbon monoxide.

You may have seen individuals smoking cigarettes, but you may have also seen people using bongs for the similar purpose. Cigarettes are preferred by almost everyone around the world, while the bong has evolved into a status thing and elegance over time. Whether you smoke or not, you've probably encountered both of these kinds.

Which one has more additives; Cigarettes or Bongs?

Cigarette tobacco appears to have more additives. This is done to ensure that those who smoke cigarettes get the best high possible. They tinker with chemicals excessively to make the flavor stronger or to provide a range of flavors. Whether its bong smoking or cigarette both have serious health consequences.

Cancer is a disease caused by both bong and cigarette smoking. It can develop cancer of moth, lungs, oral or anywhere else where the smoke touches and increase the death risk. Tooth problems are also associated with smoking and weaken gum causing gum bleeding and tooth loss.

Smokers of bongs are subjected to a lot of toxins including benzene, which carries the chance of leukemia. Cigarette smoke is also a significant problem. People in the area are harmed by the burning charcoal. Frequently, it is employees who are impacted. The unusual use pattern is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of bong smoking. Bong smoking is common among adolescent in particular as a social activity in the presence of near and dear ones.

Misconceptions related to Bong Smoking

 Moreover, there is a widespread misconception that the water filters contaminants. Many bong smokers argue that it is not as addicting as cigarettes because of these characteristics. It's unclear whether bong smoking is as addicting as cigarettes at comparable levels of use, but proof of its addictiveness is mounting and becoming unmistakable.

Despite the sweet aroma or taste bong smoking create serious health hazards. It delivers toxins and other nicotine substances in body causing death diseases.


Cost differences

Smoking a bong is also less expensive than smoking cigarettes or electronic cigarettes in total. As a result, you're also saving a lot of cash. In contrast to cigarette smoking, bong smoking appears to be unrivalled and unbeaten.

Bong smoking is now widely available in most coffee bars, food outlets, hotel chains, and private residences, with shockingly cheap costs and many eateries providing it for free with the purchase of a beverage or meal. Many variables, such as parenting practices, family income, illicit substance misuse, and alcohol intake, may be linked to water pipe tobacco smoking, according to comprehensive broader societal frameworks of population health.

Bong smoking is extensively utilized, and western countries have begun to adopt it. Because bong smokers inhale a considerable nicotine content and toxins, it's critical to establish guidelines and raise knowledge about this heinous practice. The higher costs of water pipe smoking can be associated with a decreased rate of water pipe smoking comparison to cigarette smoking.

Tobacco Differences between Cigarettes and Bongs

The constitution of bong smoke differs significantly from that of cigarette smoke due to differences in the nature of the commodities inhaled and the varying temperatures associated in the smoking process. Water pipe smoke is generated at around 450°C, whereas cigarette smoke is obtained at around 900°C.

Overall, changes in product content and smoking methods led distinct patterns of consumption to various tobacco toxic elements when toxicant intakes in the same people were examined when inhaling an average of 3 bong smoking sessions versus burning 11 cigarettes each day.

Water pipe use was linked to lower nicotine content than cigarette smoking, but at concentrations that were likely to be addictive. To enhance taste, bong smoking is a moisture paste-like mixture created from around 5% to 10% crude crushed tobacco that has been cultured.

The toxicant composition of bong smoke is thus based on a certain blend of charcoal and nicotine, as well as unique waterpipe attributes and blowing settings. Estimates on the toxicant composition of bong smoke differ enormously, just as they do for cigarette smoke.

Nonetheless, all research to date show that the user will draw massive doses of toxicants during a pretty standard bong session. These toxins have been related to dependence, chronic lung diseases, and cancers in cigarette smokers, and if taken in significant levels in the body, they can have comparable effects in bong users.

Which one is more risky for human health?

Another concerning feature of bong smoking is its ability to frustrate adult cigarette smokers' unsuccessful attempts and serve as a bridge to cigarette smoking among young individuals. This possibility is supported by a number of bits of research.

While these findings suggest that bong smoking has the ability to replace and establish a link to cigarette smoking, the entry point theory that waterpipe smoking lead generation to cigarette smoking is still being examined. Bong smoking is generally less available to smokers than cigarettes due to its size and time consumption apparently processing conditions.

These characteristics are restricting for a compulsive behavior that necessitates regular dosing, leading to the hypothesis that adolescent who begin their tobacco use with a bong may switch to more easily obtainable cigarettes to meet their heavy reliance needs more quickly. To put it another way, the balancing act between reliance and availability may ascertain which waterpipe users are most likely to start smoking cigarettes.



To summarize, a bong smoking particular model and metrics are required to reflect the whole variety of perceptions of waterpipe users at various stages of their smoking narrative in order to successfully deal with bong smoking addiction.

A clear understanding of the impact of environmental factors such as legislation, household and society, and cigarette smoking in the spread of waterpipe use is also required. Such information could be used to develop bong-specific preventive and intervention initiatives to help stem the global development of the habit.